Who is Renée Blythewood? Inside the glamorous life and dramatic transformation of James Packer's American model girlfriend - after the couple debuted their romance at Cannes Film Festival

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James Packer made a uncommon quality astatine Cannes Film Festival past week, but it was nan female connected his limb who really sparked intrigue.  

The Australian billionaire, 56, walked nan reddish carpet pinch his rumoured caller girlfriend Renée Blythewood, a glamorous exemplary and philanthropist from Nashville, Tennessee.

Renée, who antecedently utilized nan past name Blythewood-Hall, has carved retired a successful modelling profession for herself since nan property of 10, and often makes appearances astatine exclusive reddish carpet events. 

Her Instagram page shows a manner of jetsetting opulence, pinch nan socialite regularly sharing photos of herself modelling glitzy designer outfits astir nan world. 

Among nan spot she has precocious visited see Tokyo, a French skis edifice called Courchevel, Paris, Aspen and Argentina - wherever Packer keeps his polo ranch Ellerstina.

Who is Renée Blythewood? Inside nan glamorous life of James Packer's American exemplary woman - aft nan mates debuted their romance astatine Cannes Film Festival (both pictured) 

Renée is simply a azygous mother to 16-year-old boy Levi, who she reportedly welcomed during a past narration pinch a photographer.

While she has ne'er spoken publically astir her emotion life, Renée is thought to person concisely dated American TV presenter Ryan Seacrest backmost successful 2015. 

No concealed to nan personage scene, Renée is besides erstwhile friend of Amber Heard, but nan brace reportedly had a falling retired successful 2017.  

Renée, who antecedently utilized nan past sanction Blythewood-Hall, has carved retired a successful modelling profession for herself since nan property of 10, and often makes appearances astatine exclusive reddish carpet events

Her Instagram page shows a manner of jetsetting opulence, pinch nan socialite regularly sharing photos of herself modelling glitzy designer outfits astir nan world

Before uncovering occurrence arsenic an world model, nan glamazon appeared arsenic a kid character successful roles connected Disney and Nickelodeon. 

She besides worked arsenic a preschool coach successful her precocious teens and early twenties. 

More recently, Renée dedicates her free clip to philanthropy, volunteering for charities specified arsenic the Children's Oncology Support Fund and Gabrielle's Angel Foundation, which raises costs for paediatric cancer research.

Among nan spot she has precocious visited see Tokyo, a French skis edifice called Courchevel, Paris, Aspen and Argentina - wherever Packer keeps his polo ranch Ellerstina

Renée is simply a azygous mother to 16-year-old boy Levi (left), who she reportedly welcomed during a past narration pinch a photographer 

She has besides worked pinch world youth-focussed kindness Global Volunteers and Rising Academies, which focusses connected supporting schools successful Africa.

Renée precocious visited Poland to activity pinch Ukrainian refugees, transforming a storage into a location and schoolhouse facility. 

Speaking to Glamour about her passion for helping women and children, Renée said: 'I was a very young mother and venturing retired into nan world, I understand nan challenges that travel pinch being a azygous mum.' 

Renée dedicates her free clip to philanthropy, volunteering for charities specified arsenic nan Children's Oncology Support Fund and Gabrielle's Angel Foundation, which raise costs for paediatric crab research 

She has besides worked pinch world youth-focussed kindness Global Volunteers and Rising Academies, which focusses connected supporting schools successful Africa. (Pictured volunteering astatine a schoolhouse successful Rwanda successful 2023) 

'I deliberation that fuelled my passion for helping women, azygous mothers and children successful particular.' 

 Renée is believed to person started making love James astatine nan extremity of 2023. 

The brace went nationalist pinch their narration past week erstwhile they were spotted astatine nan star-studded Cannes Film Festival, pinch photographs shared to Renee's Instagram showing them connected nan reddish carpet together.

Recently speaking to Glamour astir her passion for helping women and children, Renée said: 'I was a very young mother and venturing retired into nan world, I understand nan challenges that travel pinch being a azygous mum' 

Renée was seen smiling alongside nan mega-wealthy businessman arsenic they posed for a image pinch a group of friends connected nan amFAR reddish carpet connected Friday night.

Looking for illustration a movie star, Renée trim a glamorous fig successful an royal metallic jewelled gown which showed disconnected her unthinkable fig arsenic she posed for nan cameras.

James trim a dapper fig successful a navy suit arsenic he posed pinch his limb astir Renée for nan group photograph astatine nan yearly AIDS fundraiser event.

The brace went nationalist pinch their narration past week erstwhile they were spotted astatine nan star-studded Cannes Film Festival, pinch photographs shared to Renee's Instagram showing them connected nan reddish carpet together  

Renée had posed connected nan reddish carpet solo earlier joining James and their different friends astatine nan event, which besides saw A-list starts including Heidi Klum and Bella Hadid attend.

The brace person reportedly enjoyed a drawstring of low-key dinners together during their clip successful Cannes, while Renée is said to person joined James connected his luxury yacht.

The lavish yacht has reportedly been moored disconnected Antibes, France, for nan past week aft travelling complete from Barcelona earlier this period for nan esteemed movie festival. 

James - nan erstwhile head of Crown Resorts - is presently sailing astir Europe connected his yearly luxury Mediterranean voyage

James was antecedently joined to Erica Packer. They sewage joined successful 2007 and divided successful 2013, but proceed to co-parent their children - Indigo, Jackson and Emmanuelle.

Erica reportedly received a $100million divorcement payment, and purchased a family location successful Los Angeles soon aft nan break-up.

James besides bought an $80million Los Angeles mansion truthful he tin beryllium person to Erica and their children whenever he is successful town.

James was antecedently joined to Erica Packer (pictured successful 2012). They sewage joined successful 2007 and divided successful 2013, but proceed to co-parent their children - Indigo, Jackson and Emmanuelle

When Erica visits Sydney, she often lives pinch her erstwhile hubby and their children astatine James' $72million Crown penthouse home.

Erica has since recovered emotion again with Shannon Bennett and they person reportedly bought a location together.

Shannon shares kids Phoenix, Hendrix, Xascha, Xanthe, Xahlia and Margaux pinch ex partner Madeleine West. 

Before his narration pinch Erica, James was joined to Jodhi Meares and they person remained friends ever since their split.

They tied nan knot in a lavish ceremonial successful Sydney successful 1999, wherever astir 750 guests attended and Elton John performed.

However, they separated 3 years later successful 2002 and divided soon after.

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