Strictly Come Dancing bosses 'struggling to sign up female' contestants for 2024 series amid Giovanni Pernice allegations

Trending 3 weeks ago

By Jordan Beck For Mailonline

Published: 17:16 EDT, 26 May 2024 | Updated: 17:21 EDT, 26 May 2024

Strictly Come Dancing bosses are 'struggling to motion up females' for nan show amid nan Giovanni Pernice row. 

The master dancer, 33, has been a portion of nan BBC Latin and ballroom bid for almost a decade but is now facing allegations of superior workplace misconduct from erstwhile partners.

The BBC are reportedly scouring 9 years of footage from Strictly master Giovanni's training sessions, arsenic nan explosive show ungraded continues to rumble on.

Although Giovanni denies each claims, it has now been reported that bosses are struggling to person female celebrities to return portion successful nan upcoming series.

An insider told The Mirror: 'Strictly bosses person been near reeling by nan backlash against Giovanni. One problem it has caused is that nan booking squad are struggling to enlistee female celebrities for 2024.' 

Strictly Come Dancing bosses are 'struggling to motion up females' for nan show amid nan Giovanni Pernice row

Although Giovanni denies each claims, it has now been reported that executives are struggling to person female celebrities to return portion successful nan upcoming bid (pictured pinch his 2023 partner Amanda Abbington) 

Some female stars person reportedly been 'reluctant' to look connected nan show owed to nan Strictly curse - a phenomenon that sees contestants autumn successful emotion pinch their master partners -  but bosses are now said to beryllium struggling much than ever earlier erstwhile it comes to nan recruitment process.

The root added: 'In nan past, immoderate women person been reluctant to motion up owed to nan Strictly curse and others person struggled to perpetrate to nan afloat connected schedule. 

'But this has made booking harder than ever. There is simply a interest amongst immoderate astir their treatment, while others are reluctant to beryllium progressive pinch nan show while it’s nether a shadow.' 

MailOnline has contacted Strictly Come Dancing representatives for comment,  

It is claimed 3 past contestants are compiling dossiers to manus to their £700-an-hour lawyers earlier sending it to BBC bosses.

A number of ex-dance partners, who are moving pinch renowned ineligible firm Carter Ruck, declare they person photographic grounds to beryllium they sustained injuries.

It's besides claimed that Amanda Abbington - 1 of nan 3 stars who person revenge complaints against Giovanni - has vowed to time off 'nothing unsaid' successful her gathering pinch investigators this week.

Presenter Laura Whitmore is besides said to person discussed her acquisition pinch Pernice pinch Amanda Abbington

While nan 3 celebrities making allegations person not been named, Ranvir Singh, who collaborated pinch Giovanni, met pinch Amanda Abbington to talk her experience

When nan allegations came to light, Giovanni said: 'I cull immoderate proposal of abusive aliases threatening behaviour, and I look guardant to clearing my name' (pictured pinch Amanda)

Bosses astatine nan BBC person reportedly been told he sent a erstwhile personage creation partner an violative video clip.

The BBC's squad are said to person been informed past week Giovanni, 33, sent nan clip via WhatsApp earlier 1 of nan series' Saturday unrecorded shows.

According to The Sun, he did not make, committee aliases look successful nan video. 

Meanwhile, it was precocious claimed that erstwhile he was collaborated up Sherlock prima Amanda - who discontinue nan title mid-series past twelvemonth -  he demanded that their rehearsal sessions were recorded aft he grew concerned astir her 'unstable behaviour'..

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