Sofyan Amrabat gives major update on his Man United future after playing a vital role in FA Cup triumph over Man City

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By Abdi Rashid

Published: 19:56 EDT, 26 May 2024 | Updated: 20:04 EDT, 26 May 2024

Sofyan Amrabat has provided an updated connected his early aft starring successful Manchester United's FA Cup triumph. 

The Moroccan has made 30 appearances during his indebtedness enactment astatine Old Trafford from Fiorentina this season, pinch conscionable 9 starts successful nan Premier League. 

He struggled for nan astir portion this season, but has improved successful nan closing stages of nan campaign, raising questions complete whether United will trigger their bargain option. 

Amrabat has revealed he's keen to enactment astatine United permanently and will beryllium down pinch nan nine to talk his future. 

Speaking to Ziggo Sport, he said: 'Do I already cognize what I'm going to do adjacent year? No. We are going to talk. Staying is surely an option. 

Sofyan Amrabat has opened up connected his early aft winning nan FA cup pinch Manchester United

'Look, I deliberation it has been a very difficult season. For Manchester United it needs to beryllium overmuch better, and besides for maine personally. We are going to talk. 

'Manchester United are nan biggest nine successful nan world, truthful who wouldn't want to play shot here? But each parties person to beryllium happy pinch each other, truthful we will beryllium down now and spot what happens.'

Amrabat, who astatine times filled successful astatine left-back, was 1 of United's amended performers towards nan extremity of a turbulent run which ended successful them winning nan FA Cup aft beating Manchester City, a lucifer he started. 

The 27-year-old erstwhile Feyenoord and Utrecht subordinate is attracting offers from Saudi Arabia, and could move location astatine nan extremity of nan season, though whitethorn besides stay successful nan Premier League.

The Moroccan (R) says he's keen to stay astatine Old Trafford and will clasp talks pinch nan club 

Palace, meanwhile, are said to person been impressed by nan midfielder's capacity successful their 4-0 triumph complete United conscionable weeks ago, pinch nan nine group to backmost caller head Oliver Glasner successful nan market.

It is reported that nan Eagles spot Amrabat arsenic a subordinate who tin return nan nine to nan adjacent level.

Fulham could besides beryllium nan adjacent destination for him arsenic they will look for a replacement for Joao Palhinha should he caput for nan exit this summer. 

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