Sacha Baron Cohen cuts a solo figure as he heads to Lenny Kravitz's 60th birthday party in Paris - while his estranged wife Isla Fisher films Bridget Jones 4 across the Channel in London

Trending 3 weeks ago

Sacha Baron Cohen was among a slew of stars heading to Lenny Kravitz's 60 day statement successful Paris, specified miles from wherever his estranged woman Isla Fisher is filming her latest rol.e

Isla finds herself not acold distant from her ex-husband of 14 years, arsenic she is presently filming Bridget Jones 4 correct crossed nan English Channel successful London.

Borat prima Sacha, 52, trim a suave fig successful a pick suit co-ord and a people shirt, sporting a brace of prestigious brownish loafers.

Music fable Lenny didn't spare an disbursal arsenic he celebrated his milestone day pinch a full big of personage stars successful attendance astatine the Crillon Hotel successful Paris, France. 

Lenny made a manner connection successful a brownish blouse and achromatic pinstripe suit co-ord pinch chic enarthrosis pads, rocking his trademark acheronian maxi shades.

Sacha Baron Cohen was among a slew of stars heading to Lenny Kravitz 's 60 day statement successful Paris, specified miles from wherever his estranged woman Isla Fisher is filming her latest role 

Isla finds herself not acold distant from her ex-husband of 14 years, arsenic she is presently filming Bridget Jones 4 correct crossed nan English Channel successful London (pictured connected set) 

Sacha joined an array of A-listers for nan lavish ceremony including Colman Domingo, Salma Hayek and her husband Francois-Henri Pinault, British vocalist Yungblud, Evan Ross, and more.

In a very unexpected twist of things, Isla was revealed to beryllium a astonishment caller summation to nan Bridget Jones 4 formed conscionable earlier this week, pinch fans successful daze when she was spotted connected set with Renée Zellweger. 

The character has reportedly taken a domiciled successful nan caller movie arsenic a 'single mother who befriends Bridget astatine nan schoolhouse gates', successful a a lawsuit of life imitating creation for nan 48-year-old Australian. 

As has been good documented, Isla is navigating azygous life aft splitting from Sacha, pinch whom she shares 3 children.

With her storyline mirroring her individual circumstances it's unsurprising that sources opportunity Isla's ain acquisition 'will thief her successful nan role.' 

In nan films, nan tests and tribulations of protagonist Bridget - a thirty-something singleton who craved uncovering emotion but was looking successful each nan incorrect places - resonated pinch many who were still connected a rocky way to find their ain Mr Darcey. 

Dubbed nan 'Bridget Jones effect', millions of azygous millennials astir nan world revealed they yet felt represented erstwhile Helen Fielding's celebrated novels were dramatised.

In the upcoming 4th film, a newly-widowed Bridget is group to ringing a chord pinch a caller procreation of women, those who found, but past lost, their partners. One of these women is nary uncertainty Isla. 

Music fable Lenny didn't spare nan glamour arsenic he celebrated his milestone day pinch a full big of personage stars successful attendance astatine nan Crillon Hotel successful Paris, France

The character has reportedly taken a domiciled successful nan caller movie arsenic a 'single mother who befriends Bridget astatine nan schoolhouse gates' 

For Isla, it's a lawsuit of life imitating art, arsenic she excessively is navigating azygous life aft splitting from her hubby of 13 years, Sacha Baron Cohen (pictured successful 2016) 

It's hardly groundbreaking past that sources told The Sun: 'Isla's existent life is inspiring her caller domiciled successful nan Bridget Jones film. She plays a azygous mother who befriended Bridget astatine nan schoolhouse gates.

'Isla loves Bridget Jones and is thrilled that she landed nan part. Her ain acquisition will thief her successful nan domiciled and it's awesome she's landed specified a large portion aft a really reliable time.'

The caller domiciled looks group to reflector Isla's individual life, which has until precocious been kept distant from nan spotlight. 

Living pinch her family successful Perth, Australia, Isla was not 1 to tribunal publicity, going astir her regular business quietly.

She would support her hubby astatine reddish carpet events but nan fiercely backstage mates would seldom talk their relationship, drafting a patient bound betwixt their individual and backstage lives. 

So quiet were they that nan mates managed to break up successful private, only announcing their divided months later erstwhile Sacha came nether scrutiny because of unsavoury claims made by character Rebel Wilson. 

In April nan brace announced they had divided by sharing a image of themselves together wearing tennis gear.

The mates first met backmost successful 2001 and tied nan knot successful 2010. 

Their connection read: 'After a agelong tennis lucifer lasting complete 20 years, we are yet putting our racquets down.

'In 2023 we jointly revenge to extremity our marriage. We person ever prioritized our privateness and person been softly moving done this change.

'We everlastingly stock successful our devotion and emotion for our children. We sincerely admit your respecting our family's wish for privacy.'

The mates person not commented further connected nan matter, but Isla reached retired to fans successful nan pursuing weeks, shared a image of herself looking serene successful a picturesque plot pinch nan caption: 'Thank you for each nan kindness and support.'

While nan divided came arsenic a astonishment to their fans, it appears nan writing was connected nan wall for Isla's matrimony for years, pinch Sacha reportedly struggling aft making nan 'sacrifice' to relocate their family to Australia backmost successful 2020.

'Their matrimony has been shaky for years,' an insider told exclusively past month. 

'The breakdown started erstwhile they relocated to Australia truthful that she could beryllium person to her family. But it near Sacha acold removed from everyone he knows.

'He made this sacrifice for her and would make galore sacrifices for her passim their marriage. He is profoundly affected by their divided because she was his life for galore years.'

While dealing pinch their heartbreak, nan attraction has remained connected their children.  

The exes are now said to beryllium moving retired nan 'best arrangement' for their brood, pinch Isla presently nan 1 pinch custody.

'She has custody of nan children and they are still moving retired nan champion statement truthful that Sacha is capable to beryllium an progressive portion of their lives,' nan root continued.

'They person overmuch emotion for each other, but they could not get on and became different group than they were astatine nan opening of their relationship. 

'They wanted different things successful life successful position of their careers.

'They had a prenup but it is still very difficult because everything they owned is purchased for nan 2 of them and their family together.'

The insider went connected to insist that infidelity had not played a portion successful their matrimony breakdown and that neither statement is making love personification new.

They finished: 'Cheating was not progressive connected either broadside and neither are seeing anyone else.'

For now, Sacha is keeping a low-profile and has not been seen successful nationalist for weeks. 

In contrast, Isla has thrown herself into work.

Last period she was pictured filming Noah Baumbach's caller movie Jays Kelly pinch her co-star George Clooney. 

Not overmuch is known astir upcoming Netflix movie, nevertheless nan formed besides includes Adam Sandler, Laura Dern, Jim Broadbent and Billy Crudup.

This week she was seen connected nan group of Bridget Jones 4 for nan first clip aft landing a awesome domiciled alongside Renée Zellweger successful nan forthcoming film. 

The movie was officially confirmed past month, pinch Renée and Hugh Grant's comebacks made charismatic - aft his emotion rat characteristic Daniel Cleaver's decease was falsified successful 2016's 3rd installment.

The 4th movie successful nan franchise will beryllium released by Universal movie connected US level Peacock connected Valentine's Day 2025 while internationally, nan flick will beryllium released successful cinemas.

When Bridget Jones' Diary was first released, azygous women yet felt represented. 

With nan 4th movie group to analyse life aft loss, nary uncertainty Isla will return comfortableness successful that aforesaid feeling.  

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