Photo of 17-year-old Grayson Murray at the 2010 Thunderbirds with Jordan Spieth resurfaces after his shocking death: 'Two confident kids who dreamed of making it to the PGA Tour'

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By Leocciano Callao and Daniel Matthews

Published: 18:23 EDT, 25 May 2024 | Updated: 18:23 EDT, 25 May 2024

A image of Grayson Murray and Jordan Spieth arsenic teenagers resurfaced aft nan former's shocking decease connected Saturday.

Murray's passing - aged 30 - was announced by nan PGA Tour connected Saturday afternoon, 24 hours aft he withdrew towards nan extremity of his 2nd information astatine nan Charles Schwab Challenge successful Texas.

The threat by photographer Todd Bigelow tugged connected heartstrings connected societal media soon aft Murray's decease was made public.

'Walked 9 pinch 17-year-old Grayson Murray and 16-year-old Jordan Spieth astatine nan 2010 Thunderbirds,' NBC's Damon Hack captioned nan picture.

'So overmuch fun. @ToddBigPhoto captured this photograph of 2 assured kids who dreamed of making it to nan PGA Tour. Remains 1 of my favourite photos and now ever will. RIP Grayson.'

A photograph of Grayson Murray and Jordan Spieth from 2010 resurfaced aft nan former's death 

Walked 9 pinch 17-year-old Grayson Murray and 16-year-old Jordan Spieth astatine nan 2010 Thunderbirds. So overmuch fun. @ToddBigPhoto captured this photograph of 2 assured kids who dreamed of making it to nan PGA Tour. Remains 1 of my favourite photos and now ever will. RIP Grayson.

— Damon Hack (@damonhackGC) May 25, 2024

The image shows Murray handing Spieth a $1 measure connected nan play course, appearing to person mislaid a friends bet.

'We were devastated to study - and are heartbroken to stock - that PGA Tour subordinate Grayson Murray passed distant this morning,' PGA circuit commissioner Jay Monahan said of nan world No. 58.

'The PGA Tour is simply a family, and erstwhile you suffer a personnel of your family, you are ne'er nan same. We mourn Grayson and believe for comfortableness for his loved ones.'

Murray was a two-time victor connected nan PGA Tour aft winning nan Barbasol Championship successful 2017 and nan Sony Open successful Hawaii successful January.

On nan different hand, Spieth collected 13 wins successful nan PGA Tour, which included nan 2015 Masters Tournament and US Open.

Upon withdrawing connected Friday, Murray informed his playing partners that he was emotion unwell. However, his origin of decease is yet to beryllium issued.

On Saturday afternoon, nan PGA Tour announced that 30-year-old Murray passed away

Spieth and Murray went connected to person successful careers arsenic master golfers 

The North Carolina autochthonal won his 2nd PGA title astatine nan Sony Open successful Hawaii earlier this year 

After winning his 2nd PGA title astatine nan Sony Open, nan North Carolina autochthonal gave a now-poignant question and reply astir difficult times distant from nan course.

'My rookie twelvemonth was 2017 - I was young and thought I was invincible and wasn't doing nan correct worldly disconnected nan people to really springiness myself nan champion chance to win retired here,' he said.

'Over nan years, I've fixed successful a fewer times and past correct erstwhile I effort to springiness up, personification gives maine a small spot much inspiration, saying: "Hey you sewage it, you tin do it"

'Those are conscionable nan group that are adjacent to maine that I really thin connected successful difficult times and I conscionable person to support pushing through. That's nan only measurement I cognize how.'

Murray's caddie, Jay Green (L), offered his condolences to his erstwhile boss

Green (L) called him 'an incredible, thoughtful and generous boss' and 'an moreover amended friend'

Murray's caddie, Jay Green, besides offered his thoughts connected nan eight-year pro and showered nan precocious golfer pinch praise.

'Grayson was nan absolute best. Not only was he an incredible, thoughtful, and generous boss, he was an moreover amended friend.

'He genuinely would do thing for anyone. He has nan champion family, and my bosom goes retired to them. We will each miss him deeply.'

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