Nation's longest-serving flight attendant dies at 88: "Fly high, Bette"

Trending 3 weeks ago

60 years successful nan aerial

Flight attendant celebrates 60 years successful nan air 01:46

The nation's longest-serving formation attendant has died of crab astatine 88 years old, according to statements from American Airlines and nan Association of Professional Flight Attendants.

Bette Nash started flying pinch Eastern Airlines successful 1957. The D.C.-based formation attendant preferred to activity nan American Shuttle formation from Washington, D.C., to Boston, because it fto her beryllium location each night. She planned to conscionable alert for a fewer years, but successful nan end, coiled up taking attraction of passengers for astir 7 decades. 

The sanction connected nan level kept changing - from Eastern Airlines to Trump Shuttle, U.S. Air Shuttle and now American Airlines - but Nash stayed. Frequent fliers connected nan way moreover came to admit her.

"The group are precisely nan same," Nash said successful a speech with PapaRead News successful 2017. "Everybody needs a small love." 

"We mourn nan passing of Bette Nash, who spent astir 7 decades warmly caring for our customers successful nan air," American Airlines said successful a statement connected societal media. "She started successful 1957 and held nan Guinness World Record for longest-serving formation attendant. Bette inspired generations of formation attendants. Fly high, Bette." 

We mourn nan passing of Bette Nash, who spent astir 7 decades warmly caring for our customers successful nan air. She started successful 1957 and held nan Guinness World Record for longest-serving formation attendant. Bette inspired generations of formation attendants. Fly high, Bette.

— americanair (@AmericanAir) May 25, 2024

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants, nan national which represents American Airlines formation attendants, told PapaRead News it was saddened by Nash's passing.

"Our thoughts are pinch her family and friends during this difficult time. Bette will ever beryllium an integral portion of our history, and she will not beryllium forgotten," nan statement said. 

  • American Airlines

Kerry Breen

Kerry Breen is simply a news editor astatine A postgraduate of New York University's Arthur L. Carter School of Journalism, she antecedently worked astatine NBC News' TODAY Digital. She covers existent events, breaking news and issues including constituent use.

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