Inside the wild and tragic world of troubled actress AnnaLynne McCord - from a 'rampant' sex addiction and abusive trailer park childhood to her romance with Danny Cipriani and THAT poem about Vladimir Putin

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AnnaLynne McCord was 1 of Hollywood's hottest young actresses successful nan precocious 2000s acknowledgment to roles successful soapy hits for illustration Nip/Tuck and 90210.

But successful caller years, nan 36-year-old has made much headlines for her individual life than her acting career.

From her arguable narration pinch English rugby star Danny Cipriani to coming retired arsenic a activity addict and revealing her conflict pinch dissociative personality disorder, McCord has surely led a tumultuous life. 

McCord's first notable acting domiciled came erstwhile she was a teen successful nan celebrated telenovela American Heiress successful 2007.

Her profession skyrocketed from there, starring to a scandalous stint successful FX's Nip/Tuck earlier she landed nan portion of Naomi Clark successful The CW's 90210 reboot, wherever she quickly became nan show's breakout star.

AnnaLynne McCord has had a chaotic life some successful beforehand of and down nan camera; pictured May 7 successful Bel Air, California

AnnaLynne's first notable domiciled was arsenic a scheming schoolgirl successful Nip/Tuck

She recovered mainstream fame arsenic nan delicate yet socially-ambitious rich | woman Naomi Clark successful 90210 betwixt 2008-2013

Abusive childhood 

Despite her occurrence connected nan mini screen, McCord's puerility trauma formed a acheronian protector complete her seemingly glamorous life successful nan spotlight. 

Her hardships started astatine a young age, having been raised successful an Atlanta trailer parkland pinch her devoutly Christian parents, mother Shari and pastor dada David. 

McCord, on pinch her sisters Angel and Rachel, were homeschooled and forbidden from watching TV extracurricular of Little House On The Prairie. 

'My parents believed successful strict "discipline," arsenic they called it — I would telephone it abuse. The punishments were achy and ritualistic,' she said successful Cosmopolitan successful 2014. 

'We would person to crook complete nan bed, sometimes pinch our pants down, arms outstretched, and get spanked — pinch a ruler successful our younger years and later pinch a paddle that my parents bought erstwhile they thought nan ruler wasn't beardown enough.'  

In 2019, McCord told People mag that she discovered she'd been abused arsenic a kid while being treated for PTSD, which activated her repressed memories.

'I was successful curen for PTSD and memories of kid intersexual maltreatment came backmost for years each nan measurement until I was 11 years,' she told nan publication.

'I don't person thing until astir 5. Then from 5 to 11, I recount incidents throughout. Then erstwhile I was 13, I person a singled-out representation that was 1 thing, but I don't person nan consciousness of thing other astatine that time.'

She later confirmed that she'd developed dissociative personality upset — a intelligence unwellness characterized by nan beingness of 2 aliases much chopped characteristic traits — to header pinch nan trauma of nan abuse.

AnnaLynne was raised successful a trailer parkland by strict Christian parents. The star, on pinch her sisters Angel and Rachel, were homeschooled and picture their puerility arsenic 'abusive' 

In 2019, McCord said she discovered she'd been abused arsenic a kid while being treated for PTSD, which activated her repressed memories

Dissociative personality disorder 

McCord said that she had developed different personalities — aliases 'alters' — owed to nan condition. 

She claims that her first change appeared erstwhile she was 16. The characteristic was allegedly a 13-year-old type of herself, and she described it arsenic 'dark, cynical and jaded.'

Her different alters included 'Autopilot Anna,' who had nan 'perfect tailored consequence astatine each times,' a loving and nurturing 'Earth Mother,' and 'Domino', 'a very salacious young woman — a toughie.'

McCord spent years dealing pinch suicidal thoughts and battling 5 different change egos, which she says person now 'largely disappeared' aft she sought thief for PTSD successful 2017.

What is dissociative personality disorder?

Dissociative personality upset (DID) was antecedently known arsenic aggregate characteristic upset and is classified by nan beingness of 2 aliases much chopped characteristic states successful those who person it. 

Dissociative disorders - including DID - usually create arsenic a guidance to trauma, arsenic a intends of keeping difficult memories astatine bay. 

As good arsenic nan beingness of alternate identities, DID symptoms tin besides see amnesia and different intelligence wellness problems specified arsenic slump and anxiety. 

The astir commonly utilized treatments for DID are talk therapy and medication; however, different methods whitethorn beryllium suggested depending connected nan individual and their symptoms.  

'I had not been suicidal for years. But my 13-year-old aforesaid told maine that she didn’t want to merge pinch me,' she antecedently told

'She said, "I don’t want to merge pinch you, I ruined your life. I person to spell away. I can’t unrecorded anymore, I can’t beryllium present anymore."' 

While discussing her travel pinch, AnnaLynne said it was for illustration having 'different messiness wrong of me'.

'They would talk to maine and that was really nosy to support up with, conscionable ace fun,' she joked. 'They're very colorful, a roundtable successful there.'

Dissociative personality disorder, aliases DID, is simply a intelligence information successful which a personification is inflicted pinch various identities which tin power their behaviour astatine different times. It tin besides tin origin representation loss, delusions aliases depression.  

McCord first said retired astir her test successful a blog station for Dr. Daniel Amen's website Amen Clinics in early 2021.

At nan time, she explained that being an character only amplified her problems.

McCord recalled starring successful nan scary movie Excision backmost successful 2012, successful which she played a 'disturbed and illusion precocious schoolhouse student' named Pauline, and she said nan domiciled made things moreover worse.

'I played a very cerebral, disturbed, unusual small woman that was very adjacent to who I consciousness I americium connected nan inside,' she shared.

'It was very exposing, very confronting, astir apt a spot re-traumatizing without realizing it. 

'The crazy point astir it was that I wrapped that movie astatine 2 a.m. connected a Tuesday and had to beryllium a happy, crazy, Beverly Hills blonde bombshell connected Wednesday astatine noon. I couldn’t find her, she was not accessible. I was dark, I was very heavy into this characteristic Pauline and I couldn’t get [out].'

McCord later developed dissociative personality disorder, a intelligence unwellness characterized by nan beingness of 2 aliases much chopped characteristic traits; seen successful 2007 successful Hollywood

The character said that she had created different personalities owed to nan condition, including a 13-year-old type of herself; seen successful 2010 successful NYC

Raped astatine property 18 

Then, erstwhile she was filming a traumatic rape segment successful 90210, she realized she needed master help.

'My full assemblage for illustration conscionable went into panic mode arsenic if I was surviving retired my life connected camera,' she told Good Morning America previously.

'These moments were coming to ray done my work. I didn’t understand thing astir nan mind aliases nan encephalon astatine nan time, I was conscionable trying to do my occupation and I couldn’t,' she continued. 'And it was very scary ... But I recovered a measurement out.'  

McCord besides antecedently claimed that she had been raped astatine property 18 by a friend erstwhile she first moved to Los Angeles and was auditioning for acting gigs. 

'At first, I felt truthful disoriented and numb, I closed my eyes and pretended to beryllium asleep,' she told Cosmopolitan astatine nan time.

'I wondered if I had done thing to springiness him nan incorrect idea. I felt acrophobic of making him angry,' she added.

McCord said that she was raped astatine property 18 by a friend erstwhile she first moved to Los Angeles and was auditioning for acting gigs

'I felt truthful disoriented and numb, I closed my eyes and pretended to beryllium asleep,' she said of nan ordeal

Addicted to sex

The 90210 prima has besides revealed that successful nan past she was addicted to activity and S&M, admitting that she treated her assemblage 'like a brothel.'

Speaking connected nan Braving The Way With Dr Fletch podcast, she revealed shocking specifications of her erstwhile S&M lifestyle.

'I utilized to opportunity to people, "Yes, your assemblage is simply a temple, my assemblage is simply a brothel". I had a morbid consciousness of joke astir it.

'I sewage disconnected connected nan truth [that] activity is this point I could person each day, each time and ne'er get tired of, and nary 1 could support up pinch me.'

McCord confessed that she enjoyed kinky romps while dating Prison Break character Dominic Purcell connected and disconnected betwixt 2014 and 2020.

She described her activity pinch nan Australian character arsenic 'explosive', telling Giddy that 'Dom was my dom.'

Discussing nan activity addiction, she explained really erstwhile she discovered her libido she realized 'sex is amazing' — and it became an each consuming addiction for her. 

'I didn't do narcotics aliases alcohol, I needed activity for illustration a bottomless pit. I was ravenous.'

At nan tallness of her addiction, nan prima had a ­purpose-built, 750lb alloy bondage bed, complete pinch res­traints, installed successful her Los Angeles house. 

The 90210 prima has besides revealed that successful nan past she was addicted to activity and S&M, admitting that she treated her assemblage 'like a brothel'

McCord confessed that she enjoyed kinky romps while making love Prison Break character Dominic Purcell connected and disconnected betwixt 2014 and 2020

She described her activity pinch nan Australian character arsenic 'explosive', boasting: 'Dom was my dom'

Dating Danny Cipriani 

She's now sewage her impulses nether power acknowledgment to therapy and meditation, and is successful a superior narration pinch English rugby star Danny Cipriani. 

Unfortunately, her caller romance hasn't been soft sailing.  

In April, Cipriani's estranged woman Victoria deed retired astatine her husband's declaration that he had recovered emotion pinch McCord.

The erstwhile sports star, 36, revealed he was successful a narration pinch McCord, successful April pinch a bid of affectionate photos taken while nan mates enjoyed a romanticist vacation successful Egypt together.

His estranged woman Victoria, 42, slated her hubby for 'moving on' conscionable six months aft they split. 

After posting that it was 'nice to spot my hubby has moved on', she added: 'But his belongings and apparel successful our house, successful our drawers, still haven't moved on.'

However, nan station was deleted soon afterward. 

In a nonstop connection to Cipriani, she added: 'Can you nonstop maine a miracle, please? Can you reply nan lawyer's missive truthful I tin support my car? All nan best. Lots of emotion your ever diligent wife.'  

The photos of Danny and AnnaLynne kissing and cozying up to each different connected a belief retreat successful Egypt came conscionable six months aft Danny announced his divorce.

Danny and Victoria, who were joined for 3 years, called clip connected their matrimony successful November pursuing a bid of 'rows complete matter messages' she saw connected his phone. 

A root adjacent to Victoria slammed nan erstwhile rugby prima for 'showing disconnected his girlfriend' while location are still a number 'loose ends' to hole successful their matrimony - including nan truth they are not yet legally divorced.

'He has walked retired connected her and now he's showing disconnected his caller girlfriend, it is not easy for Victoria though she does not want him back,' an insider told MailOnline.

'She's having a fewer financial problems because of nan Mercedes that is successful his name. 

'The past clip she saw him was successful February erstwhile he turned up to cod a brace of shoes. All his worldly is still successful nan Kent home, truthful he hasn't really moved successful that aspect,' they continued.

'It is each going to extremity successful divorcement and lawyers are involved, but it has been only since November that they split.

'Danny appears to beryllium showing disconnected his caller girlfriend, but location are respective loose ends to beryllium tied up successful his marriage. She is still his wife.'

The pictures of Danny and AnnaLynne confirmed suspicions that nan brace were romantically linked aft they made their reddish carpet debut astatine an arena for skincare marque Clarins successful Los Angeles.

The Sun reported that nan brace had known each different for complete 10 years but started 'hooking up' astatine nan commencement of March.

Like his caller girlfriend, Cipriani has had his ain issues erstwhile it comes to sex.

In his explosive memoir, the erstwhile footballer admitted to having threesomes and bedding 3 women a day. 

She's now successful a superior narration pinch English rugby prima Danny Cipriani; pictured together successful March successful LA

Danny revealed he was successful a narration pinch McCord successful April pinch a bid of affectionate photos taken while nan mates enjoyed a romanticist vacation successful Egypt together

Cipriani's estranged woman Victoria deed retired astatine her husband's declaration that he had recovered emotion pinch nan Hollywood starlet

In a now deleted post, his estranged woman Victoria, 42, slated her hubby for 'moving on' conscionable six months aft nan split

Poem to Putin 

In 2022, McCord was mocked online aft posting a 'cringeworthy' poem that told of her desire to person been Russian President Vladimir Putin's mother successful bid to forestall warfare successful Ukraine.

The 2:20 agelong video went viral and generated tens of millions of views wrong days of being posted. 

'I'm truthful sorry I was not your mother,' she said. 'If I was your mother, you would person been truthful loved, held successful nan arms of joyous light.' 

Addressing nan backlash, McCord appeared to show empathy for nan Russian leader by suggesting that she excessively could person been a dictator if her life had taken a different path.

'I cognize really I could easy person moved successful nan guidance of becoming a dictator myself,' she told BuzzFeed News.

'If definite circumstances of my life were different, were I a small little bent toward treatment and much toward vindication, I could person been a darkly powerful person,' she said.

In 2022, McCord was mocked online aft posting a 'cringeworthy' poem that told of her desire to person been Russian President Vladimir Putin's mother successful bid to forestall warfare successful Ukraine 

Addressing nan backlash, McCord appeared to show empathy for nan Russian leader by suggesting that she excessively could person been a dictator if her life had taken a different path; seen successful 2021 successful LA

'I'm truthful sorry I was not your mother,' she said of Putin. 'If I was your mother, you would person been truthful loved, held successful nan arms of joyous light'; Putin pictured successful 2022 successful Moscow

McCord said she was motivated to stock nan poem aft she woke up 'in anguish' complete 'the children of nan war' and nan young Ukrainians who are experiencing warfare for nan first time.

She told nan outlet really she feels for 'children who turn into adults and go group who do historically horrifying things' adding that she personally understands 'early life trauma.' 

The blonde bombshell besides told BuzzFeed that she believed her ngo was to raise consciousness astir changes needed wrong 'education systems' to 'protect children and extremity creating dictators and abusers and enslavers and rapists and bullies.'

McCord suggested a 'nervous strategy regularisation practice' beryllium added arsenic a 'mandatory instrumentality for young children to extremity nan pandemic of violence.'

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