Golden Dawn MEP's €100,000+ expense claims must be published, court says

Trending 1 week ago

Ioannis Lagos, a laminitis of nan far-right party, continued to declare an MEP’s net and costs moreover aft he was sentenced to 13 years successful jail.

The European Parliament must people specifications of nan disbursal claims made by jailed Golden Dawn MEP Ioannis Lagos, judges said coming (8 May).

Lagos was sentenced by a Greek tribunal to complete 13 years successful jailhouse erstwhile his far-right statement was deemed a criminal organisation successful 2020, but continued to declare a net and expenses from nan European Parliament for months after.

The petition for accusation is morganatic arsenic it’s "intended to facilitate enhanced nationalist scrutiny and accountability pinch respect to Mr Lagos’ entree to nationalist funds” successful nan exceptional circumstances of nan case, nan EU’s General Court said successful a statement.

Activists welcomed that ruling, moreover if it came aft a lengthy tribunal battle.

“It’s really alarming that nationalist money was being made disposable to a convicted criminal and yet we could person nary information,” Luisa Izuzquiza of activistic group FragDenStaat, which brought nan case, told Euronews. “There is really nary accountability pinch respect to these funds.”

“In nan adjacent word we really dream to spot a alteration of civilization and greater openness because MEPs are elected representatives,” she said, adding: “Accountability should beryllium a given.”

Lagos had entree to much than €100,000 successful costs successful nan seven-month play betwixt condemnation and nan Parliament agreeing to assistance his immunity, Izuzquiza said.

That raised siren bells as, according to a connection he made to nan media, he was considering fleeing nan EU to flight justness – and perchance utilizing taxpayer-funded recreation expenses to do so.

The ruling comes amid expanding scrutiny of nan bloc’s cluster of far-right MEPs, up of elections owed successful June.

On Tuesday morning, constabulary searched nan offices of Maximilian Krah, aft his adjunct has been arrested for allegedly spying for China. Krah, lead campaigner for Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland party, has denied immoderate wrongdoing connected his ain part.

A study published by Transparency International shed ray connected nan millions of euros MEPs make from net extracurricular of their charismatic net and allowances – arsenic they’re allowed to clasp 2nd jobs nether existent Parliament rules.

A Parliament spokesperson did not instantly respond to a petition for comment.

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