Footy star Tom Hawkins reveals how his mother's shock cancer death almost a decade ago is still hitting him and his family hard

Trending 3 weeks ago
  •  Hawkins talks astir nan nonaccomplishment of his mum Jennie successful 2015
  •  Says it was 'heartbreaking' for him and his family
  •  Wishes that his children had been capable to meet his mum

By James Cooney For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 23:05 EDT, 26 May 2024 | Updated: 23:06 EDT, 26 May 2024

Geelong superstar Tom Hawkins has opened up astir nan measurement his mother's daze decease successful 2015 is still impacting his family, and really he wishes she'd sewage to meet his children.

Hawkins, 35, has tasted a batch of occurrence during his sparkling 356-game career, but it hasn't each been level sailing for the triple-premiership player.

After mounting Geelong's grounds for astir games played successful nan nonaccomplishment to GWS connected Saturday, he admitted his toughest situation to day has been dealing pinch nan devastating nonaccomplishment of his mum Jennie to cancer successful April 2015. 

'When you suffer a genitor abruptly to illness, it's tragic and heartbreaking for maine and my family,' Hawkins told nan Herald Sun. 

Tom Hawkins (pictured pinch his family) has spoken astir really nan nonaccomplishment of his mum remains nan biggest situation he's faced successful his agelong and sparkling career

The Geelong star's mum Jennie (pictured together) mislaid her conflict pinch crab successful April 2015

'I'm fortunate I person a batch of family present and teammates that I've played pinch for a agelong clip – I saw Stevie [Steve Johnson] conscionable before.

'I deliberation if you want to play nan crippled for a agelong time, you've sewage to beryllium resilient, but you besides request tons of support.

'That was nan astir important play and situation of my footy career, but there's been different challenges – shape and astatine nan start, there's shape challenges astatine nan end, there's assemblage challenges astatine times. 

'I would emotion to return nan passing of my mother back, but I person learnt immoderate awesome things done those challenges of shape and wounded and adversity.'

Hawkins was peculiarly adjacent pinch his mum, and paid a typical tribute to her aft kicking a extremity against North Melbourne successful 2015 by looking up to nan entity and kissing his achromatic armband. 

Players mobbed Hawkins aft his extremity and heartwarming tribute, knowing what he had been going through. 

'Your mum and dada person a person a immense effect and peculiarly successful my family, successful nan Le Deux and Hawkins family, we're really adjacent and really, really tight and thin connected each different a batch and socialise a lot,' he said.

'I emotion my family, and now I've sewage a family of my own, truthful it's sad for a batch of reasons.

Hawkins says that he wishes that his mum had sewage nan chance to meet his children

The footy prima says his mum is ne'er acold from his and his family's mind. He keeps a photograph of nan brace of them successful his locker astatine Geelong (pictured)

'I'd emotion for my children to beryllium capable to meet my mum, but that wasn't to be.'

'We are ever reasoning astir her, aren't we? Grandma Jen,' he said to 1 of his daughters.

Geelong teammate Steve Johnson besides commented connected really unsmooth that play was for his large mate. 

'That was a beautiful difficult clip for him because evidently players are adjacent to their families but he had a really typical narration pinch his mum, they were very, very close, that was evident to anyone who knew him,' Johnson said. 

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