Farmer Wants A Wife viewers bash Samantha Armytage's performance during reunion and demand Seven bring back Natalie Gruzlewski: 'Doesn't come across as authentic'

Trending 3 weeks ago

Farmer Wants A Wife fans didn't clasp backmost during nan play finale, taking to societal media to savagely critique Samantha Armytage's capacity arsenic host.

The erstwhile Sunrise star's stint astatine nan helm has near viewers longing for nan return of ex-host Natalie Gruzlewski.  

One exasperated instrumentality expressed their frustration: 'I really wish Nat was doing nan interviews, Sam conscionable doesn't travel crossed arsenic authentic and adjacent to each nan farmers it's really jarring.'

Another chimed in, 'Natalie should beryllium nan host. Sam is simply a symptom successful nan a*se.' 

The disapproval didn't extremity there. 'Is it conscionable maine aliases does Sam look to beryllium talking really loud?' 1 spectator questioned, highlighting a communal title among fans.

Farmer Wants A Wife fans didn't clasp backmost during nan play finale, taking to societal media to savagely critique Samantha Armytage's capacity arsenic host 

The erstwhile Sunrise star's stint astatine nan helm has near viewers longing for nan return of ex-host Natalie Gruzlewski

It wasn't each bad for nan erstwhile Sunrise star, who immoderate based on was a much-needed summation to nan series.

'Good hopefully we tin spot Sam each nan time, is silly chopping & changing hosts,' 1 spectator commented.

A 2nd agreed, 'love Sam it is awesome she is pinch america for 2 years'. 

One exasperated instrumentality expressed their frustration: 'I really wish Nat was doing nan interviews, Sam conscionable doesn't travel crossed arsenic authentic and adjacent to each nan farmers it's really jarring' 

Natalie, 47, helmed nan popular Channel Seven making love show nan first 8 seasons from 2007 until 2012, and returned successful 2020, becoming a patient instrumentality favourite.

However, she was replaced by Samantha arsenic nan main big past twelvemonth arsenic Natalie appeared successful a much 'scaled-back' domiciled connected nan programme.

It comes aft Daily Mail Australia revealed that Samantha has signed a monolithic two-year woody pinch Farmer Wants A Wife pinch Channel Seven continuing to make Natalie her understudy

It comes aft Daily Mail Australia revealed that Samantha has signed a monolithic two-year woody pinch Farmer Wants A Wife pinch Channel Seven continuing to make Natalie her understudy 

Natalie had go a patient instrumentality favourite helming nan first 8 seasons of nan reality TV show from 2007 until 2012, earlier returning successful 2020.

Amid nan hosting shake-up, it has been claimed that Samantha, 47, has signed a caller statement pinch Channel Seven, bagging herself different 2 years connected nan show.

It has been alleged that Natalie will alternatively proceed successful an 'understudy' domiciled alongside Samantha, aft she only concisely featured connected nan show's 2024 series.

Natalie had go a patient instrumentality favourite helming nan first 8 seasons of nan reality TV show from 2007 until 2012, earlier returning successful 2020 

A root told Daily Mail Australia: 'This caller statement pinch Channel Seven marks a caller era for her pinch nan network.' 

'They had been utilizing her connected Farmer to pain her aged Sunrise statement but pinch Sam and nan web being happy pinch nan domiciled successful Farmer Wants a Wife this is simply a renegotiation immoderate said would ne'er come.'

'With nan show flying precocious it was a awesome clip to renegotiate and Samantha is looking guardant to getting backmost retired into location Australia and making caller emotion stories,' they added.

The source insisted location won't beryllium immoderate hosting changes to Farmer Wants A Wife adjacent year, contempt galore disgruntled fans calling for Natalie's return to nan centre stage. 

They added that nan format will enactment nan aforesaid for nan 2025 series, aft fans besides complained it was becoming for illustration Married At First Sight pinch its high-drama season.

Amid nan hosting shake-up, it has been claimed that Samantha, 47, has signed a caller statement pinch Channel Seven, bagging herself different 2 years connected nan show 

'There is nary measurement nan web will make immoderate changes to nan format adjacent year. The numbers are up and if thing audiences tin expect adjacent twelvemonth to beryllium moreover much dramatic,' nan root claimed.

'It is clear that wider audiences emotion nan play and nan web will ever pursuit nan ratings.'

'Channel Seven is already doubling down connected Farmer Wants a Wife play pinch nan upcoming Honeymoon Island.

'The caller reality show makes nan play connected Farmer look wholesome. So if those fans are upset now past they should clasp onto their hats.'

The 2024 bid of Farmer Wants A Wife was arguably nan astir dramatic, and saw instrumentality favourite Farmer Bert stepping distant solo aft deciding he wasn't fresh for a relationship.

Samantha first joined nan making love show arsenic a 'guest host', but her insignificant domiciled has now been expanded while Natalie is 'scaling back' her duties

However, it was later claimed that he near nan bid because of each nan 'drama he had been pushed into creating connected nan show'. 

'He was done being a puppet for nan producers connected his workplace who continued to push him and nan ladies into creating drama,' an insider told Yahoo Lifestyle.

'Farmer Bert was really saccharine and it was sad to spot him being treated for illustration a prop.' 

Despite nan changes, manufacture insiders are tipping that Farmer Wants A Wife will most apt eclipse nan different programming scheduled successful nan backmost extremity of 2024.

Farmer Wants A Wife reportedly accrued by 16 per cent erstwhile Samantha joined nan squad successful 2023 and it has go Channel Seven's highest-rated reality TV series. 

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