Dallas twin doctors guilty of giving FAKE steroid injections to thousands of arthritis patients in $45million scam

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By Caitlin Tilley, Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 21:27 EDT, 26 May 2024 | Updated: 21:27 EDT, 26 May 2024

Twin Dallas doctors person pleaded blameworthy to scamming security firms retired of $45million by giving thousands of patients pricey pain-relief shots that didn't moreover penetrate nan skin. 

Brothers Deno Barroga and Desi Barroga, 51, claimed that nan injections they offered contained corticosteroid injections - anti-inflammatory narcotics utilized to dainty a big of conditions including arthritis, sciatica and backmost pain. 

Thousands of patients would be their session connected a monthly basis, pinch curen funded by awesome injurers including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna and United Healthcare.

But a ineligible investigation revealed that nan twins, who specialize successful rehabilitation, were pressing needles against patients' tegument without injecting, and rubbing nan spot pinch a section anesthetic, presumably to mimic nan uncomfortable emotion of a shot. 

Brothers Deno Barroga and Desi Barroga, 51, admitted to defrauding wellness security companies by submitting claims for corticosteroid injections - anti-inflammatory narcotics to dainty arthritis - which they ne'er gave

 In 2016, Dr Deno Barrogas (pictured) was ordered to salary a $3,000 good and acquisition a expert prescribing people aft nan committee recovered he wrongly prescribed controlled substances and different medications to his patients

The Barrogas told security companies that they performed up to 80 corticosteroid injections per patient, per visit.

The twins made clone aesculapian records, which were typically often trim and pasted, aliases cloned, from diligent to diligent pinch minimal changes.

They besides told patients to see mendacious statements astir nan injections and different treatments successful nan record.

The Barrogas admitted to billing insurers astatine slightest $45million and were paid astatine slightest $9million betwixt early 2016 and precocious 2022.

The men are now awaiting sentencing and look up to 10 years each successful national prison.

As portion of nan scheme, nan doctors would inquire patients to sojourn their agency monthly to person symptom guidance drugs, including hydrocodone, oxycodone, and morphine

They person some fixed up their DEA registrations and been forced to forfeit their aesculapian licenses astatine slightest 14 days anterior to sentencing.

The doctors, whose agency was at 7515 Greenville Ave successful Dallas, Texas, person antecedently travel nether scrutiny.

In 2021, Desi was put connected a remedial scheme - a colony to resoluteness an investigation - aft nan Texas Medical Board recovered he did not decently support aesculapian records, diligent history, and introspection details.

It was besides ruled that he grounded to supply an acceptable rationale for prescribing controlled substances, including fentanyl patches, to a patient.

Meanwhile, successful 2016, Deno was ordered to salary a $3,000 good and acquisition a expert prescribing people aft nan committee recovered he wrongly prescribed controlled substances and different medications to his patients.

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